About Us
who we are?

Deaf Empowerment Kenya (DEK) has members drawn from the Deaf Community and other People with Disability. The organisation was formed to empower the community about the needs of People with Disability and to promote their full participation in the society through right based approaches. The founding members who formed DDSHG were five deaf persons living in Dandora whose initial thinking behind forming this organization was to economically empower deaf persons through initiating a savings and loaning scheme also known as a “merry go round”. Over the years the groups membership steadily increased making the founders recognize the need to formerly register themselves and develop guiding rules and principles, include expansion of their programs to target persons with all types of Disability..


DEK exists to empower people With Disability through programs that build capacity and enhance economic and self-reliance.

      • “We envision a society where People with Disability are empowered; enjoy their rights and equal participation in the larger society”

Core Values
  • Honesty: We shall be open in our dealings and when conducting office business.
  • Integrity: We shall be transparent and accountable in our work.
  • Respect for one another: We shall respect and be sensitive to the needs of our clients, staff and members.
  • Excellence: We shall strive for excellence in our work
  • Professionalism: We shall maintain the highest standards of professionalism and proficiency by empowering staff.
  • Teamwork: We shall foster commitment to and support work together as one.
  • Equal Opportunity: We shall offer equal opportunity to all staff and members.
  • Inclusion: We shall offer Disability friendly services and advocate for Disability friendly services within local and national interventions.
our management team
Joseph Gari Ayiro


Hesboners Luke

Head Of Programmes

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Monica Mackenzie

-Finance and Administration officer

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Collince Omondi


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Micah Mulumeti

Prevention Coordinator

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Josephine Adhiambo
Data Clerk
gladys web
Gladys Mutheu

Field officer

Lorna Nzyoka
Lorna Nzyoka
Alex Mutiso

Field Officer

Fredy 2
Kirukunye Fredy

 Field Officer 

Priscilla Kanga
Priscilla Njeru

PMTCT officer

Alex Mavuti

-Youth Drop In Centre Site Coordinator

Grace Wanza
Grace Mueni

Office Assistant -Machakos

Beatrice Atieno
Beatrice Atieno

Office Assistant-Nairobi

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Elizabeth Awuor 

Assistant M&E officer 

Strategic Objectives

With an increasing number of needs competing against an increasingly meager resource base, it has become imperative for organizations to position themselves strategically in order for them to be effective and efficient in the pursuit of their mandates. It is against that backdrop of a competitive environment that put DEK on a strong footing for it to work towards fulfilling its mission. DEK strategic focus ensure that the organization responds to critical issues as they relate to the success of DEK mission in order of priorities.

Social Marketing

Increase our revenue base through resource mobilization and social marketing.

Unprecedented growth and wider catchment coverage

Establish a national coordination wing with regional secretariat

Education, Training and Community Outreach

Promote increased access to education and training opportunities for PWD thus equipping them with knowledge, skills, attributes which will build their capacities for independence, self-reliance. therefore be useful members of the society.

Develop Programs That Enhance Access to Economic Resources, Health & Social Welfare Services among the Youth and Women with Disability 

Develop programs that enhance access to economic resources, health & social welfare services for persons who are deaf

Strengthened Leadership and Governance

Establish sound, effective, visionary and responsive governance systems and supportive structures

Articles for you
Management Structure

The activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision that are directed toward the achievement of DEK goals and objectives are overseen by the structure below: -

  • The Program Manager report to the advisory board and responsible for leading, directing developing and managing the implementation of all aspects of DEKs programs and projects.  S/he will represent DEK to the government, donors, partners and other related agencies are responsible for coordinating the planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of DEKs program activities. The Program Manager someone thoroughly understands deaf and Disability issues, as well as challenges that exist in country that can affect DEK Program delivery.  The Program Coordinator and Accountant reports to the PM.
  • The Program Coordinator report to the Program Manager and is responsible for overseeing all DEK programs, ensuring that work is efficiently carried out and that resources allocated are used accordingly. The Program Officers, Assistants and M&E Officers report to this position.
  • The accountant report to the Program Manager and ensure effective management of financial and administrative services and will ensure that internal and external administrative requirements are met in accordance with DEK and partners procedures and standards.
  • The M&E Officer will report to the Program Coordinator and will be responsible for ensuring that monitoring and evaluation is mainstreamed in all the programs. He/She is also responsible for IT and routine and periodic publication work and will work together with the Data Entry Clerks.